Website Re-Write: Castle Community Action

Client: Castle Community Action, a student-led outreach committee at University College, Durham.

Audience: Prospective student volunteers, and prospective sponsors (often university alumni)

Tone: Warm and friendly, yet informed and educated

Brief: To update their page on the University College website with new copy. The client sought a comprehensive overview of the organisation and their activities, with a focus on conveying reputability, passion and commitment through brand identity. 

Solution: To maintain a focus on the breadth of volunteering work done by CCA, I used bullet-pointed sections which are visually striking and easy to read. Language was kept formal and educated throughout, yet included occasional exclamation and reference to student life in order to construct a relatable, non-condescending tone. Use of the first person plural reinforced the sense of community within CCA and emphasised the role of students in leading the organisation. Adding the second person singular connected the reader to this community and made their reading of the piece feel more personal. Finally, I included testimonials to showcase the intimate value of CCA within University College, as well as to evidence the claims made in the ‘Why Volunteer?’ section.


Facebook Ad: Piddle Patch (SPEC)


Sales Letter: Books4You